Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tagged again by irene..

1.Full name:Bonnie Hiew Vun Nee

2. Birthday:09.11.92

3. School:Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School

4. Residensy:Penampang

5. Family:daddy,mummy,me and bro

6. Physical appearances:和你们一样

7. Personality: emm.. not sure

8. Good Qualities: not sure..

9. Bad Qualities: still not sure..

10. Hobbies:dancing,reading..

11. Religion:佛教

12. Height:163cm^^ 170cm is the target!!

13. Weight: 45kg now!! 我轻了!!!

14. Blood type: AB

15. Shoes size:5

16. Favorite Genre of music:抒情歌

17. Favorite Singer:不一定..好听就好

18. Favorite Season: autumn and winter

19. Favorite Food: many!!

20. Place i want to go: Korea!!

21. My ideal lover: love me, caring...

22. My worries as of now: my lcci result

23. First love: nope..

24. Alcohol-Tolerance: ok

25. Drinking habits: ok

26. Most important friends: all of them!!

27. Prized Possession: no idea

28. When I look the best: not sure

29. When I look sexiest: maybe no..

30. What's in your pocket: no pocket now..

31. First time drinking: duno..

32. Favorite colours: white, black

33. Thing you want from your significant other:信任

34. Age you want to get married: 25++

35.What you do when you're home alone: watch tv, reading..

36. Habits: no idea..

37. Highest placement in school: choreographer..

38. Difference between men and women: the way they think..

39. If you were born again, man or woman: woman!!

40. What you think you were in your previous life: no comment..

41. If the person you loved cheated on you: depends on the reason..

42. Favorite show: many..

43. What you want to do when it rains: 站在马路中央淋雨..

44. If you were on a deserted island, what you take: whatever i can take..

45. How many kids: this is future tense..

46. Who do you want to see the most: my family..

47. Favorite snacks: duno..

48. Allowance:Rm10

49. Favorite restaurants: didn think abt this..

50. To be dumped or do you dump:i dump...

51. Why did you write the answer to the question above: coz dun want to be dumped..

52. What I want right now: going to kl next week..

53. When do you think you’ve grown up: duno..

54. Country you want to go to: Korea..

55. What you think about other people: no comment

56. What would you do if you confessed to a girl: no comment

57. Place you want to go with your other: wherever..

58. Ideal vacation spot: no idea..

59. Favorite Tv show: no idea..

60. I feel happy: when something happy happens..

61. Most recent movie watched: no..

62. Movie watched with the most feeling: duno..

63. Could you marry someone else for the person you loved: nope!!

64. What you want to do for the person you love: be his good lover..

65. I want to die when: the time i gonna die arrive..

66. You think you’re a player: of course NO!

67. If you found 100k in the road: i must be dreaming..

68. When you were most hurt: duno..

69. I hate guys that are: no idea..

70. I hate girls that are: simply say something that are fact!!

71. If you were to become invisible: duno..

72. When someone makes you mad: maybe.. i duno.. see when someone makes me mad..

73. Favorite saying:不要烦诶.. or不要吵诶..

74. If someone you met for the first time were to ask for you number: duno.. depends on their personality..maybe

75. Nicknames: nini,alien hiew,sopo

76. First thing you do in the morning: open my eyes..

77. The most important thing in the world: my family..

78. When you were happiest: when im happiest..

79. When you were saddest: when im saddest..

80. Does anyone hurt you before: Yup!!

81. How: cry..

82. Then: settle it..

83. So: duno..

84. Define family: lovely..

85. What are you planning for future: a lovely and warm family..

86. Your afraid of: dogs, cats.. and when im alone..

87. If your about to die now: i dun want to die now..

88. Would you consider Plastic surgery: no..

89. Who you wanna be: be myself..

90. Things you wanna do now: finish all this quesns..

91. Most embarrassing moments: duno..

92. You can: i can..

93. You can't: i can't..

94. You really hate it when: when something that make me hate it..

95. You'll judge a person by: personality

96. People mostly judge you: no idea..

97. 3 words to describe yourself: 邱文妮

98. 3 words of how people describe you: not sure..

99. Are you on diet: nope..

100. Last thing i want to say: i finally finish this!